Canadian Pride Team

Peter Sperlich, President of Sperlich Log Construction Inc., is a 2nd generation log builder.
Certificate of Qualification Log Building with over 35 years experience working with logs and heavy timber.
Designing/drafting - 20+ years experience using Dietrich's 3-DTimber Frame CAD/Cam software
Considerable management and industry wide relevant knowledge. Industry leader/advocate
BC Log and Timber Builders Association - past President, Past Vice-President, currently a board member, and has served as chair of Marketing, Membership, and AGM committee. Also served on the Safety committee in conjunction with Worksafe BC regarding certification program for Crane operators in BC.
Andrew Sperlich, Vice President of Sperlich Log Construction Inc., is a 3rd generation log builder.
10+ years working with Logs and Heavy timber
Experienced in Residential, Commercial, and Industrial construction as a Structural Engineering Technologist, Lead Surveyor, and Quality Control Technician
Certified Crane Operator / Class 1 Driver
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